Problem: I have sxw file and whenever I convert to in rml file using base_report_designer module(OpenERP module), the generate report I do not get underlined show in tell which what underlined inside sxw though but not in rml file.I edited front format & size later after I did not get underlined fonts by report.Currently in sxw font type is "Liberation Serif" and font big is "12". I trial greatest of font types but did not get undelined fonts in report. Currntly MYSELF solve this problem by adding "bold" tag in rml file. And the question of this solution is, whenever I umwandeln sxw to rml, I've to add "bold" tag everytime.

Suggest Solution: Kindly give me another result of this trouble so that every EGO convert sxw to rml, I got underlined fonts in report without strong adding "underline" tag in RML.

  • Pls put a connecting to two the files as that we can recreate the problem and solve it for u. Oct 30, 2012 at 7:48

1 Answer 1


For better report customisation, use Aeroo Mitteilungen from Alistek. Over this module, you can use the odt file not changing anything...


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